Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Story of Stuff- do you have enough stuff?


  1. I came across this great clip today about excessive consumerism and its effects on the environment. It makes me rethink going through my closest and throwing stuff away. Reduce, reuse, recycle -- always.

  2. The fact that people have places to live and then must also have storage facilities speaks volumes about how much stuff Americans have.

  3. So true sister! I think that's one of the reasons I'm such a packrat. I don't like throwing things away..and do we really need all new stuff?

  4. Yes we have tooooo much stuff. Uncle Dan "cleaned" out the garage and moved most of it to his "man hut." I was about to point out his fear of getting rid of stuff, then I glanced into my closet. Hmmmm.... time to donate/cut back. :)
